Friday 10 February 2012

Extracting MetaData Using Outline Load Utility

Planning - Extracting Meta-Data using OutlineLoad utility

With the recent release of the utility brings in the option to export dimension metadata which I didn't see mentioned in the planning new features document, so the utility has evolved as not just a loader but an extractor as well.
The utility is available on the machine where planning has been deployed in the folder <MIDDLEWARE_HOME>\user_projects\epmsystem1\Planning\planning1\

To extract a dimensions metadata it is as simple as executing:-
bash>./ /A:<application> /U:<username> /D:<Dimension-name> /E:<OutputFileName>

 for Example:
./ /A:RDAPP /U:training /D:Account /E:DimExtract.csv


Extracted Meta-Data file will be generated in same format by which we load the metadata .

Avneet Singh Bhatia

1 comment:

  1. Please keep blogging, Avneet. :) Thank you so much for your help.
