Thursday, 3 May 2012

Checking essbase.sec file in readable format

Hi All,

From version 11essbase.sec file is in encrypted format, and if we want to see the content of essbase.sec file we have to follow some simple steps.

1. Goto Maxl Editor and type below command

2. After this command executed successfully goto %Essbase_ARBORPATH%/bin and find "EssbaseSecFile" is created there

3. Open "EssbaseSecFile"

You can see essbase.sec file in Readable format

Avneet Singh Bhatia

Friday, 10 February 2012

Extracting MetaData Using Outline Load Utility

Planning - Extracting Meta-Data using OutlineLoad utility

With the recent release of the utility brings in the option to export dimension metadata which I didn't see mentioned in the planning new features document, so the utility has evolved as not just a loader but an extractor as well.
The utility is available on the machine where planning has been deployed in the folder <MIDDLEWARE_HOME>\user_projects\epmsystem1\Planning\planning1\

To extract a dimensions metadata it is as simple as executing:-
bash>./ /A:<application> /U:<username> /D:<Dimension-name> /E:<OutputFileName>

 for Example:
./ /A:RDAPP /U:training /D:Account /E:DimExtract.csv


Extracted Meta-Data file will be generated in same format by which we load the metadata .

Avneet Singh Bhatia